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Sunday 3 February 2019


Hi All,
Wow week 5 I'm so impressed (sarcastically pats myself on the back) and its the end of January so you know one month down only eleven more to go. 
Today I thought I would take a little time (literally its 11:45) to talk about something new I've tried (yay new things)
(To see a summary of the review go to the bottom) I see you not wanting to read my talking

So headspace is a meditation app that I never would have tried if it didn't come in a package deal with spotify premium (finally took the plunge and paid for it this month.... is it weird I kind of miss the ads?). Normally when anyone has suggested mediation before I've laughed (mostly in their face sorry mum) but it was free and I was very bored so I gave it a try and I loved it. Its super easy to use and makes it so simple and basic that it's very difficult to get wrong unless your my sister (yep you Abbs)  
AND for me the most useful thing ever I tried the sleep one and oh my goodness it worked !!!! I should explain ....I find it very difficult to get to sleep always have probably always will (my favourite pattern of sleep is 4am-10am yay go me not ) and since I'm an actual adult with an actual job I just can't do a 4 am night or I will break down into tears or song I honestly don't know which one is more distressing 
so I tried head space,  cranked on one of the sleep sessions (?)  and let it work and couldn't even remember falling asleep it was magical and much more efficient then listening to piano music which I normally do in those no sleep scenarios 
Another thing I love is you can choose timings for  the sessions as well which I  appreciate because you know sometimes 3 minutes is all the mental energy I have  but at the same time 20 minutes is very appealing on a I have my life together day.

So in summary headspace is amazing and something I very much enjoyed even through I went in to the first session scoffing and being very pessimistic. Its easy to use, so many varied topics and I also really like the graphics. 
Would I pay for it ? (mines connected to spotify so it doesn't feel like I pay)
Would I recommend ?
Yes massively, I even tried to d one with the fam turns out group meditation is harder.

Image result for headspace

anyway that's enough from me this wee k see ya next time in the adventures of Lauren 

Week 5/52

16:19 / by / 0 Comments

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